I'm a returning orchid addict. I got hooked in ' 94, worked my collection up to about 50 orchids, grew outdoors and under lights, then a move, spider mites, and brown scale decimated my plants. A few orchids have survived through the years, never more than 4-6 at a time, and finally, finally, I'm situated to have them again.
I like to get them young & grow them up to flowering. (Getting a flowering orchid is great, but expensive ... and there is something very satisfying about growing them up & flowering them myself. Plus the wonder at a hybrid -- what will it look like?) My dh thinks I'm crazy (you're buying a plant that's not going to bloom for another 2-3 years???) but he's sweet and indulges me.
My order from Carter & Holmes arrives tomorrow, and I'm planning orders from Andy's (love those minis) and SBOE. This time around, I will be growing primarily intermediate and cool growers (Pacific NW) as compared to warm/warm/warm/warm/warm growers (S. Louisiana). I'm excited at my new options!! I want phrags & masdevallias and restrepias & cool-growing cymbidiums & so many of the small/minis I've drooled over for years. I don't miss the heat -- not at all!