My cyms and den kingianum stay outside year round (tho I watch for the occasional freakishly cold lows we get every 10 years or so - haven't had any since I've been growing orchids tho) both take over night lows down to freezing, and should be able to take a bit lower for short periods - once the kingi had buds last winter, I put it in the garage when night temps were getting near freezing - just didn't want to take a chance with the buds. Cyms with spikes I shelter from frost or freeze on the porch.
I don't know how hot it gets where you are ... most cyms can take some heat, tho best if they are shaded by mid-day, and watered well, den kingianum can also take some heat (mine is also shaded by mid-day)
Last edited by WhiteRabbit; 08-23-2011 at 05:07 PM..