Hi Guys! Please take a look at my album

Im in the UK... any help and suggestions will be greatly received! Ive had my first Phal orchid about 3-4years and apart from the first winter, its never been out of bloom!
I bought a pair of dwarf Phals from a local supermarket, thinking they would be just as easy, and had terrible trouble... pics of each are in the album. I could keep them dry, so repotted them both and found they were wrapped in sphagum moss and then in a really dense commercial orchid 'compost' and most the roots were rotted

so now they are a work in progress!
At the time i was trying to save the mini Phals, i went overboard on research and have suddenly become orchid OBSESSED!! Hence joining the forum being another step closer to obsession

I bought "flowering age" Oncidium Ornithorhynchum and Sophornitis Purpurata in April this year (also in the album) and have been bringing them up in the home, i dont have a greenhouse or a grow room.... YET! lol. Descriptions of how im growing them both are with the images (start at end of album and work your way forwards). The Onc. has grown 2 pseudobulbs and shot 2 spikes from the most developed new growth, the 2nd pseudobulb isnt quite developed enough to shoot yet. The Soph has developed a PB on the leading leaf and the sheath on the PB is JUST beginning to yellow and dry, but the bulb is firm and fattening.... im soooo hoping i will see my first flowers this year so ANY advice on what to look for and flowering conditions (to back up the sweet talking and admiring it 10 times a day!) in a UK climate without a greenhouse would be WONDERFUL!