...and it has started.
Hi, my name is Corey, and I'm an orchidholic.
Several years ago I started my foray into horticulture with carnivorous plants. I was actually perusing the aisles at Lowe's for flytraps and pitcher plants when I saw a few desperate little phals on the clearance rack. Since the store lacked any CPs, I bought the orchids. The addication thus began.
Flash forward two months to now, and I have 11 orchids in my burgeoning collection: 2 cattleyas, 1 epicattleya, 1 dendrobium, and 7 phals. Several of the phals were in poor shape when I got them, as stated above, but they are all doing really well now!
Anywho, I'm from Missouri, and look forward to learning a lot and getting to know you all. Thanks in advance, by the way.
I'm excited!