Originally Posted by SteveT
Lots more coming. I have some questions about the blog. I think this forum is a great idea. I would like to support it. I have content to publish, but I want to know about retaining control of my content/copyrights regarding publishing and blog.
Steve, I know I have to put everything in writing and hang it somewhere to explain where and what. I'm not saying that you even imply it, but I am really not after stealing your articles or re-printing it without your permission. You remain the sole copyright holder and other then perhaps referring to the article/blog which you authored in posts, OB will not use or publish your articles in any way shape or form. So post away
I'll try to come up with a set of rules that will outline how things work. I hate to play the rule maker and actually hate rules on my own, so I'll make it as flexible as possible. I like it when things are relaxed and there's no restrictions on members and flow of information. Actually that's how I started this board... I posted something on a different board and I pointed a link to someone's website about information, sort of as a citation of a source and I got major beef for that, then a big argument broke out and they banned my ass.... hehe... Then they said, if I don't like it, then I can start my own board and run it the way I see fit

When you post an article, you can put a small copyright disclaimer... Hm... I'll see if I can do that so it happens automatically when users post articles.