Hi everyone, I'm Rosie.
I was given a Phal by my Mum for my Birthday in 2006 and while I thought it looked like an orchid the label said Phalenopsis, so I thought I was wrong and it was NOT an Orchid
Several months later my Mum confirmed it
was and Orchid and showed me that there are several types (she showed me a cym and said that was also an orchid).
This time last year I bought 2 more NOID Phals because I was so pleased I had managed to rebloom the first one several times

but at the same time I repotted the first and got some bad advice, which unforunately put it into the ICU (where it still is)
But as usual there was a bright side to this failure, I searched the web for help and came here... and you guys got me
really interested in 'chids.

I finally realised where the name Phalenopsis came in to the scheme of things and realised just how diverse the orchid family is.
I bought a Den in the summer and a Paph this spring and I have my eye on several more and plan to at least double my small collection this year if not even more. I have some Birthday money to spend which I've already allocated to go on new 'chids