Greetings all,
Thought it would be polite to introduce me, myself and I.
I'm Rogier from The Netherlands. Besides keeping Geosesarma species (vampire crabs), Dendrobates/Phyllobates (dart frogs) and some lizards... I also keep plants.

Currently i have an small building in the garden adjusted for keeping Dart frogs. From the 40 tanks i currently have 15 decorated. In these tanks i keep various tropical plants in combination with Dart frogs. Since these frogs are kept in a damp, hot environment this offers a real challenge for keeping specific botanical plants. Where most people keep the weeds of south america in their tanks i try to collect nice variations of species
In the tanks i currently keep various ferns, anthuriums, peperomia's, neoregelia's, biophytum's and more lovely species. Besides that i collect: hydnophytum, Lecanopteris, myrmecodia, Billbergia's and since a couple of months im more and more interested in:
Restrepia, Pleurothallis, Platystele and Lepanthes.
Im that interested that im decorating a tank now for my plants that linger through the house.
So here i am