Well Howdy ;-)
I was a planted freshwater guy for a long time, but have switched recently to Dendrobates ie. Poison Dart Frogs.
In doing so I created a monster tank which has my freshwater planted area, my frog area, and since I needed plants...... Plants as well as Orchids
I got a few from people I met at the local Botanical gardens and from a few friends.
Untill yesterday I did not consider myself a orchid person untill lowes was liquidating some plants and what I saw was a rack of orchids for $1/ea...
Needless to say I bought 15 of them and now need to learn about caring for them.
Lots of Vanda's Cattelya's and a few oncidium, B. Nodosa, eplicattelya.
First here is a link to my tank before the orchids went in
210 Gallon Paludarium - Dart Frog Forum on Husbandry and Habitat Information
Here is a list of the orchids I got
V. Thonglor X ASCDA Banghuntian Gold -Yellow 7/30/2007
ASCDA Suksamran Sunlighth Serm
V. Pure Delight
V. Robert's Delight AM/AOS
MOK. Nauche Eric - Yellow/red Spot 11/8/2007
B. Little Stars - NODOSA X Cordata "Hihimanu"
ONC. Ampliatum - Turtle shell Orchid - Yellow
Epc. Serena's Tinkerbell 'Paradise - Green w/red Lip 11/24/09
Bic. Doctor Joe Walker 'Cotton Candy' - (Bic.Fred Stewart x Bic. Meditation)white 11/15/2007
C. Carl Hauserman -White 6/04/09
(Lc. Edgard Vanbelle x c. intermedia) x BLC. Magic Meadow 'Green Genius' Green 8/25/2009
Bic. Seto Rainbow 'Paradise' Splash 11/24/2009
Lo(Wine Festival X Edgard Vanbelle) X C. Hawiian Wedding Song -Purple 7/22/09
LC. Tainan City ' General' -Red 5/13/2009
Bic. Fritz Nicholaus 'Spring Dance' - Lavender 6/04/09
So greetings to all