from Brazil
Hi folks,
I´m a geologist from Brazil. We have many cattleyas here. I´m growing amethystoglossa, harrisoniana, leopoldii, schilleriana, scholfieldiana, velutina, warnerii, acklandiae, guttata, and (former) Laelia harpophila, perrini, purpurata, pumila, tenebrosa, xantina, their natural hibrids, and hibrids that we give-a-little-help-just-to-see-what-would-become. It beggan as a tentative of reintroducting endangered species, but authorities did not embraced our concerning. Then, 20,000 small plants would be incinerated (easy, I use vegetal coal mixed with cocoanut fiber as substrate). It was my money involved in starting the projetc and I was going to burn my hard-to-get money. My very old grandmother said: "are you dull? sell it". Then it became a quasi-commercial enterprise. In one to two years, we will have a lot of flowers here (december we had harrissoniana punctata, schilers and schofiels). Don't know exactly what to do with it. I still have 2000 flasks to open.
Not necessary to say that I´ve had hard times at lab: many seedlings went wrong, had all the kinds of contamination that are possible and tried many variations of media (some bad, some great). I´ve tried quite everything: humic and fulvic substances, lignosulfonate, chitosan, all the fruits and vegetables I could find, Si and Ni, many forms of N (nitrate, amonia, filtred urea, aminoacids..), dimetilsulfoxide, tween 80, algae extracts, cinamomo extract, B vitamins (many ratios), hormones (cit, aux, g), salicilic acid, tiririca (cyperus) extract, even onions and garlic, mixotrophic and photoautotrophic.
Wrote too much.
Last edited by Eduardo_Addad; 01-02-2011 at 01:28 PM..