Hi Orchid-friends,
I am an experienced home grower who quit orchids after when I moved from Oregon to the cold windy desert of SW Idaho.
Shortly after moving my collection ,my greenhouse blew down, and my plants were scattered throughout the northern edge of the Great Basin.
After about 10 years hiatus from orchid growing, I've managed to bloom a few super-market intergeneric Oncids, and an untagged unifoliate Cattleya, which had been discarded after blooming.
To my surprise, these plants are looking pretty good, just on my kitchen windowsill.
I am tempted to try a few species.
My growing environment is challenging:
Very Hot and dry during summer
Cold and dry during winter
Very Low humidity
and My water is unspeakably alkaline, so I haul water for my plants.
I'm interested in species (esp Mexican and other new world sorts) that grow in very bright, relatively xeric conditions.
I've kicked off my born-again orchid collection with the following:
Brassavola nodosa
B. cucullata
Laelia anceps
L. gouldiana
Any suggestions for other low-humidity tolerant orchids enthusiastically welcomed.
Its nice to be back.