Greetings from South Portugal
Hi everybody! I am truly happy to be here at least! (I've been around from a long time, but not registered.)
I'm from South Portugal, where we have wonderful beaches and good weather. I am not new in orchids, but I can't say I'm really good with them, my knowledge is most theoretical - I had an oncidium once, but I'm ashamed to tell you how it died. Since then, I got a really small phal, and it survived on me for more than 6 months (that's an achievement for me). I also have a dendrobium nobile, but it just a small keiki, so it will be a long time before it blooms. It doesn't bother me because I can be really patient when I know there's a reward ahead!
And today my Hubby offered me a wonderfull phal - it's really a beauty and he made me really proud.
Well, I rambled enough, and that's it. I hope to learn even more with you guys, and perhaps someday to help someone that's where I am today! Thank you!