Now, I'm not new here any means, but just thought I should say hi after an extremely extended period away from OB. I think it's been almost a year since I regularily posted.
In the beginning of the year I was busy finishing up my Msc major thesis, then as soon as that was done I went to the USA for my minor thesis, and got back early september, and was busy finishing that up until last week. Didn't post much over while in the US since I was mourning the loss of a large chuck of my collection.
So anyway, I finished my Msc, am graduating in January (missed the deadline for November graduation by only 1 day
) and tomorrow I'm starting a 3 month job at my university as a research assistant. I'll be doing research on an african mosquito species which transmits malaria. A bit out of my domain (plant-insect interactions) but should be a fun project anyways!
Finally have more time (and more money) for orchids and for Orchidboard!