Hello all!
First, let me say that I'm new to orchids. I got my first one about three years ago on a shopping trip to Costco of all places. It was very pretty and I didn't know much about orchids at the time, but thankfully I got lucky and he grew wonderfully (with very little care) in the spot I put him in on the lanai.
Unfortunately, I thought that since that one did so well there that all orchids would. As I'm sure you can imagine, I was wrong.
Anyways, I have five orchids, from three plants.
My first is an unknown dendrobium. This one stays on the lanai unless it's supposed to get too cold and is definitely my favorite.
My second is an Oncidium "Sharry Baby" that I got from the Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers about six months ago. When I went to repot, I decided he was big enough to make two plants. Now, one lives inside and one lives outside and they're both doing equally well. :-)
My last is an unknown Phalaenopsis that was sent to us as a gift a couple months ago. I know it's pretty common because I've seen them at Lowe's and HD, but of course I haven't seen one since we got this one. Anyways, when I decided to repot, I found that this one was two distinct plants so I divided them and they both live inside.
This place was recommended by a very nice woman at one of my local orchid places. I wish I knew her name.
So, I know I'll learn a lot and I look forward to hearing from you all!