Hi, I'm new here if it wasn't obvious by my lack of post a high post count. =P
I'm 19 and have around 17 orchids.
I have two unknown Phals. One was a gift and the other was purchased from a Lowes on clearance because it had stopped blooming. I cut it back above the 3rd node from the bottom and it bloomed again. I believe one might be Doritaenopsis Amy Louise Bright Eyes ‘Carmela’.
I also have 1 Paph. Maudie 'Napa Valley', Eplc Mae Bly Ching Hau, 2 Pot. Shirley Moore 'Newb RRK', Mtssa. C.M. Fitch 'Izumi', 2 Dendrobium Thonghai Gold Pinwattana, Blc. Chan Hsiu Gold 'Fuji', a Blc Huang something (the label got cut off after Huang), Colm. Wild Willie Pacific Bingo, and a Blc Cherise Mishoka Hilo Flare, 3 Oncidium 'Sharry Baby', Oncidium 'Heaven Scent' which has 6 spikes! 1 is done blooming, 2 are beginning to, and the other 3 are still developing. I believe these are the correct names and spellings. I have a list of the names of my orchids but its kind of sloppy. =X
Paph. Maudiae "Napa Valley'
Mystery Phal.
Mtssa. C.M. Fitch 'Izumi'. This orchid had such a lovely delicate fragrance.
Due to the sheer size of the spike I was unable to get good pictures when it was still blooming.
Oncidium 'Sharry Baby'
Oncidium 'Heaven Scent'
Fairly puny flower spikes from what I've seen before. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Blc. Chan Hsiu Gold 'Fuji'. I have since repotted it into a 4" with another small orchid from a 2" pot.
Visible tag saves me some typing
New growth on Blc. Cherise Nishoka Hilo Flare
The orchid I suspect to be Doritaenopsis Amy Louise Bright Eyes ‘Carmela or similar variety. I actually just repotted it because I noticed the leaves were wrinkling which I suspected meant the moss was killing the roots. I trimmed off the dead stuff and put it in some nice bark with styro-foam peanuts at the bottom. It has 5 shoots like the purple one pictured. Some of them are growing at a downward angle and one is going up.
Foliage shot of one my Dendrobs.
Onc. Heaven Scent. My camera is stubborn with lighting while its in macro mode so the pictures kind of suck because I have to use flash.
Some fellow epiphytes, my tillies.
These are the only orchid pictures I currently have access to. Hope you all enjoy. =)
Have a happy day. =)