Well hello there!!

It's been a loooong time, but one can simply not stay away from Orchid Board. I see a lot of familiar faces here still, and am already happy to have been lurking through the posts the last couple days.
It's safe to say that I got a bit overwhelmed with life and many things and just gave up on keeping up on any of the forums I had been a part of. Really, just here and one for my "other" hobby (weight lifting)
At the time I left my collection had outgrown it's room, racks and lights. I had also discovered that I'd picked up several virused plants at some point and the close quarters had done me no favors! I lost some of my favorites, and haven't had the heart to go buy many more. I built a tank for my smaller 'chids, and got a greenhouse for the larger ones. Winter was a beast and I wasn't fully prepared for it. Lost a few more 'chids to the cold... and then the blistering sun when my sun shade over the greenhouse wasn't quite strong enough come spring. *sigh* So much change in so little time. And I still suspect that the virus is lingering in a few plants... time for more testing I guess. But, at least with the GH there is plenty of room between plants! I'm still fumbling to learn how to care for my babies in their new home though.
I'm just now getting back into buying a few new 'chids. I've been trying to keep them small and just add to my tank since I'm still tweaking the GH. But, the 'chid buying bug is really eating at me. I just felt guilty buying something that I may not be able to provide the best conditions for, and that's why I haven't added to my collection lately.
.... but, I'm back. And glad to be!!