Hello Vermonter,
I am growing Catasetums in Germany, so conditions should be comparable. In my collection Ctsm. atratum grows easily, but Ctsm. tenebrosum has always been difficult. I exspect the hybrid to be easy growing.
Catasetums are not choosy as for the medium. I take coarse or medium fir bark. You may add styrofoam, potsherds, charcoal. Don´t take soil. They like to start thriving in New Zealand sphagnum moss, so up to 10 vol.percent are okay, but keep in mind that it decomposes fast and then needs to be replaced.
Conditions in the growing space (greenhouse?) are more important than the potting medium. To encourage new growth they want high humidity close to 100 percent for several hours a day at +/- 25°C. Good ventilation between the plants and bright light, only sheltered from the burning midday heat, meets their demands. When in active growth, you can hardly water and fertilize too much.
Catasetums are easily propagated by cutting backbulbs. Put 2 or 3 of them upright in a pot, either without any medium or with 3 cm coarse fir bark, and give water when you water. When cutting in April or May, you will have an extra plant in october. Even parts of backbulbs do.