Thanks for the welcomes.....
I realized after I found myself with nothing to type that I really could have given a bit more info
I raise Poison Dart frogs. I wasn't really a person who was particularly interested in plants at all really. They were green, they grow blah blah blah.
My terrariums needed plants of course for the frogs habitats. So I got into the typical tropical plants as a matter of necessity. I had purchased a box of a type of Bromeliad called Tillandsia. They did extremely well in my terrariums.
I then added regular bromeliads to that collection as frogs laid their eggs in bromeliads.
My wife noticed that my Tillandsia were multiplying like crazy, and said I should raise and sell those as well. It wasn't long before I was selling Tillandsia, Pilea, Peperomia, Wandering Jews, Ivy's and a bunch of other stuff.
Always on the look out for something cool to add to the terrariums I make, I discovered Jewel Orchids. At first, I was put off because I always thought of Orchids as something little old ladies had. But the jewels really caught my eye because of their strange foliage. At the time I had no idea how hard they were to find.
Later I started picking up other Orchids, but not the cute flowery kinds, I went for the stuff that looked like it had been brought back from an alien planet. Maxillaria, Masdevallia etc. The stranger looking the better.
So now I'm busy putting together a real laboratory, Laminar workstations, Autoclaves, etc. the whole clean room package.
My primary focus is to work with Jewels and Bromeliads. I'm also planning on working with a number of rare species that are extremely hard to get, but are not really as expensive as Jewels are.
My wife most definitely has some ambitious production goals for plants. Should be fun......