Hey, my name's Courtney. I've only very, very recently started growing orchids and have a Phal and a Den Phal (and they're very cute! Hopefully I won't kill them!
). I'm eighteen and will be graduating from high school next week (woot woot!). I'm totally ignorant when it comes to growing flowers and plants, but I'm really trying to learn, so that counts for something. So far I've only killed one of my dad's tomato plants (cut the top off because the leaves looked sick, oops) but nothing else...yet.
I tend to buy really sick plants that are near dying and try to bring them back to life. So far I've not failed on that, but I'll admit to being super paranoid about these orchids. I've been wanting to grow orchids since I was fifteen or sixteen, and now I finally own two--watch it be my luck to kill them!
Luckily, there is this forum. I've already posted some questions, and must thank King of Orchid Growing especially for his help, and I'm sure I'll have many more.
Hopefully soon I'll be able to get pictures up of them.
Anyway, hope to meet everyone and see their orchids!