Gday, my name is Stephen and im located in Sydney, Australia. I have always been interested in orchids and aquariums for a long time, and have recent helped build a shade house for my orchids. Both my parents are orchids nutters too, they usually grow the Paphs, Phrags and Cyms. I love the Australian Natives such as Den. speciosums, but also love Paphs, Phrags and the spectacular Jewel orchids.
Around of house, i have orchids growing everywhere. I have a large collection growing on the side of my carport which recieves sunlight in the morning and some afternoon sun. I also have a carport kind of structure but instead of metal sheets i got 70% shadecloth over it. That area mainly has Den. speciosums and Cyms.
In my room (next to the window and my aquarium), i got some Paph seedlings and some other small orchids. The bathroom is also occupied with orchids, i got my collection of Phals. They love the humidity and high temps
I am now researching on the types of ways to grow Jewel orchids. All of a sudden i feel in love with them! I notice many people grow them in terrarium, i have many unused aquariums i could use.
Hope to learn heaps on here
