Hi and welcome to Orchid Board
It will be very difficult to find species or hybrid names for your orchids if they are not tagged, but for care purposes the genus or approximation of the genus should be a big help.
Your 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th pictures all look like something in the Oncidium/Odontoglossum Alliances. We don't have a care sheet for those here on OB but I have found one on the AOS site.
AOS | Odontoglossum
AOS | Oncidium
The 2nd you identified as Dendrobium on another thread. As I said there I'm not sure which type of Den and the care can be quite different accross the genus but we have a general care sheet here on OB and I've also added a link to the AOS one.
Dendrobium - Orchid Board
AOS | Dendrobium
The 6th picture is a Paph. Probably along the lines of the Maudiae types or something similar. Again I've found care sheets on both OB and AOS.
Paphiopedilum - Orchid Board
AOS | Paphiopedilum