I'm a little confused (and someone correct me if I'm wrong or not understanding something here). What do you mean by original PH clone?... If it doesn't have a clonal name, like 'Coronation' then it is not a clone (at least in the sense that you can go out and buy it in mass or even if you got a division that was unawarded/didn't have a clonal name, you wouldn't know how it would be unless you saw it in person). The hybrid, Pamela Hetherington, is just the name for any offspring that are produced using two specific parents (in this case Pardisio and Mount Anderson). There is no original clone that is called 'Pamela Hetherington' that is the hybrid name and applies to all offspring with those parents.
Again , I may not be exapling this well...but to my knowledge, there is a hybrid called Pamela Hetherington (with famous clones like 'Coronation') and there are no clones that are Pamela Hetherington 'Pamela Hetherington' and so no original PH clone...