First, let me say thanks to all for the welcome! Truly an amazing amount of knowledge on this board.
My interest in orchids first began when I was about 7 or 8 and I saw an picture of a large blue cattleya flower in a book. My folks told me that the flower was an "orchid" and that they only grew in greenhouses!

I borrowed several books on orchids from the library and was simply astonished to find the beauty and variety in orchid flowers as well as the environment in which they grow. The books at that time (late 70's) pretty much supported what my folks had told me...the orchid was a hot house flower. I never did convince my folks to buy me that Cattleya!
Originally Posted by Grandma M
Pete, good choices. Welcome to OB. This is a good place to learn about growing orchids....and we are great enablers. Don't you think just 2 plants will get lonesome? They may want company in that window ledge.
Ok, ok....perhaps two is somewhat of a modest number

...but it is a start! Based upon the number of orchids that I looked at on the internet, especially those on the BigLeafOrchids site, I could see that number growing a bit...