I've come crawling back
Hello folks, it appears I haven't been on this board since 2007 or so when I took a hiatus from plants after a decade or so of growing aquatics then Nepenthes and Orchids.
Now I couldn't stay away forever, once that chlorophyll gets in the blood you're a junkie for life. I started collecting rare succulents a year or more ago and have decided that I really want to grow Neps and Orchids again more than anything else.
This time I want to have my plants in fully automated terrariums incase I ever need to be away they can take care of themselves a week or two at a time if need be. So I'm working on plans for a huge wall length unit in clean "petshop" style with just wood paneling and sliding glass tank fronts. I want no lamps or wires or "crap" dangling everywhere this time. Each shelf section will have a 4'L x 2'W x 3'H upper display vivarium and a 4'L x 2'W x 2'H greenhouse style tank on the lower shelf for propagations, new plants, etc. Storage and power access will be in an 18" space on the bottom underneath the tanks. One section will be a stack of cool temp montane tanks and one stack will be warm temp lowland tanks. I may be able to squeeze in a 3rd section of two more vivariums stacked but I "need" four tanks for sure, one display and one extra grow space for each climate.
I am going to remodel the room and then build the unit into the area over Feb and March so I can be ready to buy plants like a maniac once the weather is good for shipping tropicals again. I'm keeping myself to a "rule" of no Neps over 12" in diameter and no orchids over 12" in height (preferably most being 6" or smaller). I'll post pics in the appropriate forum as the project gets underway so you guys can follow along if you wish.
Anyhow, I just wanted to stop in and say "howdee" once again!
Last edited by swords; 01-30-2010 at 03:24 AM..