Hi from Holland
Some of you may have noticed me on other orchid boards, but this site has given me so much new information i decided to register here here to, so here it go's.
I'm Erik and I'm from Holland. I think I've been around orchids all my life. From my grandparents having a couple (then, 40 years ago very expensive) imported plants, to my father still having around 40, and myself killing each one i occasionally got on a birthday. Also the location does not help. I live in the middle of "het Westland" often called the flower and vegetable garden of Europe. ( just google map " westland orchidee", do check the scale of the map as Holland is a tiny country) and imagine the temptations lurking around . Recently i "inherited" some phalaenopsis from my dad as he was lacking space. With the help of this forum i hope to keep these alive. I think i already know most of my mistakes from the past by just browsing these forums for a couple of day's ( lots of water, replanting in normal potting soil, closed pots, basically everything to kill as fast as possible. Also fascinated by the different cultures and climates described in all the posts. Growing in sphagnum: have not seen that over here in 20 years, growing outside: eeeeh i do not think so with an average temperature of 59F. Looking forward on reading and learning.
Greets Erik