Geez, I'm really fat-fingered!!

This is my third attempt to reply to this thread. Hope I get it right this time!!
It's great to hear from all you fellow orchid lovers. Especially those from Michigan, that maybe I'll meet someday at an orchid show. This whole orchid thing is getting to be a real obsession with me. Does that happen to all of us?!!
BTW, I forgot to mention that most of my orchids spend the summer on our screened in back porch. It's a west exposure with filtered sun or a north exposure depending on where I place the plants. They really seem to like it there and I believe that's part of the reason I've managed to bring some of them into bloom.
The oncidium was a real challenge!!
I'm from the southeast corner of Michigan-- a little town named Belleville between Detroit and Ann Arbor. It used to be really rural, but is growing now by leaps and bounds. We live on 5 acres as do our neighbors on either side of us. So we've managed to keep some of the country feel.
Anyway this whole orchid thing is becoming an obsession with me!! Does that happen to all of us?!!
Kitty aka KC