Newbie in San Jose
a year ago August, i was searching stuff on Ebay, and I found orchids, so i bought 2 orchids, Zgygonisia cynosure 'Blue Birds', and Catt. percivaliana.
My office plants were doing well, so I thought I would add some color to the office.
I watered them like all my other indoor/house plants, I poured water into a plastic pot every week. I had no clue the water needed to drain from the pots, it just sat there, and when I felt the bark get dry, I added more.
Well, my catt died, and my Zygo was dying, when I decided to learn sonmething about them, I found a local orchid club, Santa Clara Valley Orchid Society. I went to 2 meetings, the last being their auction. I also bought 'Orchids for Dummies from Amazon, and I started learning valuable info.
So, i took out my drill, and drilled many holes in my plastic pots, so the water can drain. Also, I went to a nursery, and bought a long plastic 'window box' kind of
thing, and I put in aquarium gravel, and keep it wet, up to 1/4" below the orchid pots.
I have bought several other orchids that are doing well, and my Zygo has started to grow new white roots, where the rest of them are black from water damage.
I am enjoying them now, and have accepted the position of Secretary at the SCVOS.
I also went to "Orchids in the Park" in San Francisco recently, and learned a lot more, I can;t wait to attend all the Bay Area orchid society shows, and greenhouse tours.
I really enjoy this forum, and I thank the founders.
Jay Rose
San Jose, CA