I found this forum while searching online... I live in Los Angeles and have been growing orchids for six or seven years. I grow them because they remind me so much of my mom who loves to grow cyms. I've slowly been adding other orchids to her front porch, and though she tells me she has too many to care for, I know she's happy to have another.
I have what I like to call a shadehouse outside, and that houses the majority of my orchids (catts, phrags, paphs, oncs, vandas, ascdas). My phals are inside. A few weeks ago, we experienced freezing temps, and I lost quite a few orchids. What a way to cull a collection... The Santa Ana winds of late have done a number on the fabric enclosing my shadehouse; so that will be seeing a new re-do in the near future.
My latest passion is my terrarium filled with intermediate to cool growing masdies. Bolero (Darren) inspired me to try and grow them especially after reading how he grew his plants. I'm still tinkering with the terrarium as I'm never satisfied and think I can do something just a little bit better...
Anyway, a quick hello turned into a long babble... I know I'll learn a lot from all of you -- I'm a big-time lurker -- and there are a lot of posts I still need to read within all the different forums... Nice to meet you... Barbara
Aboard Barbara, it's great to have you here on the OB, its a great place to learn and a fun time doing it. I'm sorry to hear about your collection, its such a shame, not familiar with those SantaAna winds, really stinks. The OB has a gallery where you can post your s and enjoy other members as well. We are glad your here....thanks Bolero
Lots of our members are lurkers...but eventually they can't resist and become involved in our interactive community The way our members share their knowledge so freely is what makes OB so special
With your 6 or 7 years of experience, I'm sure we'll be learning a few things from you, too
Feel free to jump in whenever you feel like it
Nice to have you with us