What a wonderful day. I have learned alot and found out My sweetie and I have a new phal on the way. lol So much for saying I would have no more kids 21 years ago. I hope this week to post a picture of the Keiki to share and look forward to learning more and planning down the road for getting my second orchid. Have a wonderful evening
Terri and Dave, keiki's are the next best thing to having kids ... at least they don't cry, nag, pull on your shirt tails or spill milk, just a burp every now and than pat them on the back to release the pressure and they are good to go and stay in chillin' mod ... One of the easiest bloomers those phals gotta lov'em
When the time has some, try growing the keiki. You'll never learn till you try. Phals are "easy" to grow anyway. Read all you can about basic orchid culture. If there is a orchid society in you area, check it out. They are a great way to meet fellow orchid growers, and a wealth of info. There are actually many orchids that are easier to grow than Phals, and soon you could have a house full of them.