to everyone…
My name is Michele, I write from Sardinia, Italy….and my new!
I red this forum for years but the few time, and not many plants to show made me think that it wasn’t right to register…now I have not much free time than before, but few experiences and more orchids to show so I’m here…
..and this is my orchidlist:
Cattleya dowiana aurea
Cattleya maxima
Cattleya warneri
Cattleya hybrid
Cymbidium ‘just a small sized hybrid’
Laelia purpurata var. tipo
Laelia purpurata var. carnea
Paraphalaenopsis labukensis
Phalaenopsis ambinensis
Phalaenopsis bellina
Phalaenopsis equestris
Phalaenopsis mannii
Phalaenopsis mariae
Phalaenopsis parishii
Phalaenopsis philippinensis
Phalaenopsis pulchra
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba
Paphiopedilum callosum
Paphiopedilum liemianum
Phragmipedium grande
Phragmipedium living fire
Tolumnia hybrid
I just have them all around my bedroom (I’m 22 and I study biology at University)…and I had and I have different beautiful results, but I could do it better with a greenhouse! I really hope you enjoy them!