Hi - I bought my first orchids yesterday. The fertilizer purchased is Peters Excel Cal-Mag. The label says to use 1 teaspoon per gallon tap water. Fertilize weekly, water only once per month. What does this mean? How do I apply this to the plants? Just pour it over the leaves and roots? Collect the runoff for the next plant?
First off you should let the tap water sit for a couple of days so that chlorine or other goodies your water department adds will dissapate somewhat. All orchids aren't treated the same as far as watering goes. You will need to check the medium they are planted in and water when it is dry. There are many thoughts about when and how much to fertilize. If you add 1/4 a teaspoon to a gallon and water when needed you have a beeter chance of not burning the roots. Water the roots not the leaves and do not save the runoff. You will get a lot more info from the many people that use this site. Listen to all of it. It would be helpful to know what kind of orchids you purchased. You can get culture sheets on various kinds and this will help you out. Good Luck.
Go to the American Orchid Society web site. There, with some searching you will find a section where you can download culture sheets for the orchid varieties you have. The vanda alone loves humidity and very warm. Some dendrobiums require they get hardly any water if any during the winter months. There is a lot to learn. Have fun and don't get frustrated. You will also notice on this site that there are different forums for each of the type of orchids you have. Go to that particular forum and post any questions relating to that species.