Hi guys! I've beed reading the boards for a couple of days and you seem like a friendly bunch so I thought I'd finally introduce myself. I've always loved plants but I'm very new to orchids, had a couple of Phals before which I now realise I drowned (surprise, surprise).
At the moment I only have a Phal which my boyfriend gave me for Chrstmas and which I'm determined not to kill and a so-called Cambria 'Nelly Isler' which was half dead and reduced to clear when I bought it and which now looks much better and has a new half-grown spike and a couple of more forming

I also have a a Cattleya and an Ascosenda on their way from Germany and I'm planning on going to an orchid show next weekend. These guys are addictive
Anyway, I'm looking forwad to talking to you all and finding as much information as I can to make sure my 'chids are thriving!