Originally Posted by nenella
Ok got it so you are near Pesaro. I have cousins in Rimini & and aunt & cousins in Bologna. My dad is Emiliano, from Reggio
- Have fun here on the OB and I look forward to seeing photos of your orchids!
For anyone who'se curious : Gabicce Mare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Originally Posted by Blueszz
I looked up Gabicce Mare too, and I was surprised that it was very close to Cattolica, which I've seen as a child. But we were spoiled around Lago di Caldonazzo, heaving friends over there and less turists over there too, so we only spent a few days and went back futher up North, not that we didn't like cattolica but the Mosquito's on the camping ground drove us crazy, main reason to leave heh.
I've seen Rimini during the summer months, but what is it during other parts of the year? Something like 'i Dolomiti' or less cold?

yes Gabicce Mare is close to Cattolica and near Pesaro and Rimini.. in the center

Is funny that you guys have see or know my City

Mosquito is a real problem here.. all of us hate those stupid insect!
In winter here, temperature go under 0c°, min temp -2/-3C°.
Originally Posted by Sasti
Ciao Simona!
I'm Italian too,
welcome in this great forum  
Ciao Sasti..

thanks for welcome
Thanks to all..
yestarday i have reply to this post but i cant see my reply today
I have write again :P
have a nice day to all