Hi, my name is David Live in the hill country of Texas
north of San Antonio. Have been growing orchids for the
past 7 yrs. Started window sill, lights. Now have small
green house up to 130 plants. Mostly interrested in species. Work part time at local nursery they have 2 orchid houses. If ever in Boerne, Texas stop by local nursery say hi.
Hi David, welcome to the board. Feel free to share your experiences, questions, suggestions and images with us. I get to Texas every once in a while on photo trips, especially Big Bend. I love the hill country in March-April. Next time I get there, I'll look you up. I stayed overnight in Boerne one year!
Howdy David to THE BOARD!
Good to have folk from your neck of the nation here in at OB. I am a species lover too. But have no where near the number you have gotten in the few years of your growing interest, unless you count cymbidiums!!
Hope you have a digital so you can share images of your plants and let us know how it is to grow there in southern Texas.
Just curious but are you from pioneer stock??
Aboard David, its great you found your way to the OB. Sounds like you have a wonderful collection and a great job as well. Hope you can share your 's in the gallery. You have a great community here, nightly chat's as well, please join in sometime.