Hi Susan! Glad to see another Pacific Northwest orchid enthusiast here! There are a few of us on the OB, probably more lurking around as visitors.
I'm a relative beginner (started with a Phal. NOID in 2005) and my collection is just starting to grow at a decent pace. I expect it to start growing a little faster now that I've discovered Olympic Orchids near your own city. Have you ever visited them? I think they have open house for Seattle-area residents every Saturday. Unfortunately, I'd have to commit a full day or more to visit there because I'm at least 2 hours away (on a REALLY good traffic day. lol)
I love Phal. species too, although I'm trying other things as well to see what works best for me. I'm expecting my first Masdie soon, so I can try my hand at a cool grower (my house is usually very cool).
Anyways, now that I've introduced myself and then some, welcome again to Orchid Board! Hope to see pictures of your beautiful orchids soon!