Hi everyone, I'm about 2 minutes old here , just found this site and its pretty cool! Hope to get ideas on growing orchids...is there a forum where you can buy some?
Welcome aboard. Check out the vendor feedback forum, or just ask anyting that's on your mind. There are tons of good vendors out there, and you'll have fun looking at what you can get.
Welcome Bluespirit!
Whatcha growing these days? How long have you been growing orchids? There is lots of great info here and lots of great members. I've been here a while and I'm still learning how to maneuver around this site. It's got everything! Again, welcome!
Thank you Kiki! I have two different kinds of vanilla bean orchids that I've been growing for a couple of years, one is like on steriods but the other is a variegated one and it has slowly been going down hill so I put it in a empty fish tank with an agunia heating pad under the outside bottom of glass hopeing to get it to want to live. Would like to start growing other orchids sometime soon.