Hello, I thought I'd come back to the forums now that I've started collecting more orchids. I've moved a lot over the past few years. I lived in Texas all of my life, but now I'm in Louisiana and the growing conditions are very different! I never used to leave my orchids outside in Texas, but I can do that here! It's great. The humidity is perfect and my orchids adore it. Sadly after having moved, I lost seven of my plants over the years as well as a few others to a freak snowstorm one spring when I left them out on the porch and got snowed in at work. They were frozen when I got home.
Well I hope to pick up some tips here for my new growing area and I look forward to searching for the perfect varieties that will do exceptionally well here. I'm starting fresh and it's kind of exciting!
Now I get to go look at all of your beauties and hopefully gain some insight!