The Romanian language is a latin language, but it also has some slavic influences (
the Latin has the highest percent, after that is comes the Slavic influences, much little) )
Since 106 AD (after 2 wars betwen Dacia and the Roman Empire : 101-102, 105-106) we've been colonized by the Roman Empire and mix our Dacic language (the teoritory was named Dacia - we also have a car brand named like that

) with their Latin language. The process was called "Romanization" ("romanizare" in Romanian). The romans lived here until 271 AD (in the time of Aurelian Emperor), when they left the teritory, leaving a new language and a totally new culture.
An interesting history
And we are very behind in the orchid market, because of the 45 years of comunism, when there weren't any orchids on the market here

At least this is what I know.
Hopefully I didn't lived in those horible times