Aboard Greg, its great to have a new kid on the block and you have come to the right place to learn all you need to learn about orchids. Many of our hobbist grown either indoors, greenhouses, vivs. We here at the OB share in our growing experiences and help one another out in so many ways. Please share you

s in your personal gallery and please do not hesitate to ask and answer questions. We all started out the same way, one chid at a time unless your name is Tindo, he buys in three's...
I do have an RO/DI filter rated at 75gpd. I've heard pure water is the best to use?
You have heard right, chids love purified water, and with us being in Florida, rain water is like a delicacy. Give me some info on RO/DI filter, is it a watering system? I grow indoors and water one gallon jug at a time for over 75 orchids..the arms-a-given out....