Hi Mark,
The local Orchid Society here in Austin is having a Greenhouse Tour of some of the members greenhouses on May 23. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the info.
Hi Mark,
The local Orchid Society here in Austin is having a Greenhouse Tour of some of the members greenhouses on May 23. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the info.
Anything blooming in yours??? As you well know, I am north of you in Wacko! My appletonium has four big blossoms and it's got the gh smelling so good!
A writer,
Hey Vanessa,
Yup, lots blooming and more coming into bloom for the summer. You? Did you make it to the AOS/SWROGA show in Houston last month? GREAT, GREAT, Show!!! Steve and I are heading to New Orleans next weekend for the show there.
Did I tell you I joined the studend judging program. Steve said he will have to start calling me "your honor" when I get to be a judge... Hope you are doing well!
Steve should be already calling you that!!! Student judging.....man, that really does sound interesting.
No, I missed the meeting, although I did pine for it. I am scrambling to get this dissertation done. My plants are thriving on benign neglect - I think there's a lesson in there somewhere...
Jeff and I are heading to Austin on Sunday. Celebrating our 17th anniversary. I would love to get together if you guys have the time!
Looks like there have been some changes in plans and we might be in the area on the 23rd. Please send me what ever info you can. I might try to join you. Not sure how much of in-laws I will be able to stand