So I've been around here for a little while now, but I've never open up this forum before and I thought, maybe I should type something up. BTW, I like run on sentences!
I'm a 44 year old guy with a wife, that likes orchids, but what's to keep me from owning too many. That's going to be an issue... And I have two lovely kids. A boy (11) who is into sports and a daughter (9) who is into everything. Including my orchids. "Daddy, I sprayed your plants!" "Thanks honey... why didn't I hide that spray bottle?"
My job is a unique one. Some days I'm enployed and others I'm not. I'm a freelance sound mixer. I do television shows, commercials, news, whatever. If they are paying in American dollars, I'm there!

Lately it's been NFL Network keeping me busy. I'm here in the Denver, CO area so I'm a huge Broncos fan. And as of late, we have a QB issue. I love it from a business standpoint, but I hate it from a fan's standpoint. Money wins!
Being in television for the past 15 years I have learned quite a bit about lighting and other things related to TV production. It's the knowledge about lighting that I use for my orchids.
See, it's all about orchids really, everything circles back to orchids!

As for plants that I have:
1 x Dendrodium Norma Jackson x Den. 'Pinksunshine'
1 x Neostylis lou sneary 'Bluebird'
1 x Brassavola cordata
1 x Phalaenopsis stuartiana
3 x noid phals (but their real pretty!)
Lately I have gotten into mounting my orchids. At this point I haven't mounted one yet, but I'm real close. I'm still gathering info. And courage.
Anyhow, thanks for listening and feeding my obsession!