Hi! I'm a 23 year old guy from Mississippi. I'm a senior in college and lately I've been having the itch to explore some form of horticulture. I'll be moving into a new apartment soon and I figured having a plant or two would make it feel more cozy. Last night, while walking through Lowes, I ran into the most amazing plant: the orchid!
So now I have my first plant, ever.
I've been reading everything I can find about these amazing plants. It appears that many people end up killing their orchids and I really want to avoid making mistakes and being able to recognize problems before they become exacerbated.
A) My orchid appears healthy, as far as I can tell. Some roots looked dead or rotted; however, more than half look, to me, to be very healthy. I'm concerned about the medium it's in at the moment. I would like to move it into a bigger clear hydroponic style bucket with the ceramic bead things.
Can you buy this stuff at local stores or must you order them online?
B) Is it ok for roots to grow above and between the leaves? The ones above the moss stuff are a white gray color. Is this ok?
If you guys wouldn't mind checking out my new orchid and letting me know if anything looks wrong, I would be sooo grateful!