Thank you everybody

Great to meet you

... so many warm and welcome words in such a short time...
... sorry Marty... it's already mine...
As I do not have that many time for the while i'll give you 2 adresses of mine :
1st one is kind of an intimate forum (very small one) I created say 10 month ago where we get in touch with some french and belgian (real)friends and eventually help each others :
Gloire aux brésiliennes ... :: Index ... sorry it's in french but pictures are multilingual

Of course you're all welcome and can eventually drop a few words...
The 2nd one is my gallery I began in may last year... it's been a long time I didn't post new pictures but you can get an idea there too... : Page perso de dadddycool
Don't worry...i'll be back

(already heard this one...)