Hello from the Florida keys
Hi , I'm Tommy, a 39 year old tattoo artist. I love to scuba dive, hike the everglades, shoot wildlife photography, and paint as often as time allows. I've always had a green thumb and before orchids my interests lied in bromiliads and carnivorous plants. I've been growing orchids since late 1999, and i caught the bug hard. I currently have about 400 orchids, mainly species and a few hybrids that caught my eye. My favorites are catasetums, stanhopeas and any species that looks like some kind of little creature, but, as you all well know....you gotta love them all. I belong to the Key West Orchid Society and the AOS. I hope to open an orchid nursery one day, when my tattooing days have finished, maybe even before that day comes, but if tending to my meager collection gives any clue as to the work involved (its a part time job in itself) I may have to choose one or the other. I'm not much of a web writer, but I'll try to be an active part of your (our) community.