Hi everyone. I have been lurking for a while and decided to join. I am fairly new to orchids (not new to gardening) but I think I am addicted already. My collection keeps growing.
I got started about 2 years ago when my mother was given 2 very overcrowded pots of cattleyas. She did not want them so I said I would give them a try(you cannot throw plants out!). I was very nervous about what to do with them so I just set them outside under a large oak tree untill I learned what to do. Unfortunately they were forgotten for about 1 year, they lived and even bloomed! That is when I learned how tough (some) orchids can be. I got brave after doing some reading and talking to orchid growers and repotted one of them. My collection started growing when I stopped at Orchid World in Orlando, FL. They happened to be going on a 2 week vacation and had lots of great prices on their orchids. I left with 7 orchids! I could not resist $5 & $7 price tags.
I look forward to learning and reading all of your great posts.
I am have gotten the bug to finally tear apart the last large overgrown pot of cattleyas today and am going to post on the beginers forum for some help. Thanks!