I guess I should introduce myself. I am new to this forum, but have been growing orchids for about 9 years. I am very active in my local orchid society, and enjoy putting up exhibits at many of the local orchid shows. Hurricane Katrina destroyed my 35 X 60 greenhouse and about 3/4 of my orchids, so I have spent a lot of time refurbishing my collection.
During the summer, I spent a lot of time disassembling two large commercial greenhouses at a nearby nursery, and planning my new construction. At this point, I have erected a very nice 32 X 48 greenhouse using the used parts, and selected pieces from my old one. The rest of the parts I am making available for use by our membership. It is far from being finished (isn't it funny how wives like to think it is more important to get the house back in living condition instead of finishing a state-of-the-art plant heaven), but is very functional, and my plants are loving it.