I thought you were just kidding about buying orchids being addictive!!! and here I am - a brand new addict. this feels like an AA meeting

... I just went to the store to get some food (honestly!) and I'm back home with a new phal.... i don't know what happened

my first one hasn't been here for even a month... with this rate, i'll be looking for a place to live soon, as I shall be kicked out
well, here's my new baby

it appears to be Phalaenopsis Dragon's Gold (as far as I've searched the net). it was among 40 different phal's, all pushed against eachother on a shelf, waiting for impulse buyers :P the people-that-clean-and-arrange-stuff-between-the-isles (sreally don't know how to say that) thought I was a complete nutcase, when I asked to see the roots! there was a discount (cost about 12$) so I fell for it.
There's a bundle of roots (too many? some are growing out from the holes, needs repotting?), seem healthy to my untrained eye, atleast 10 more buds and no mold (which was common amongst the others in the shop). I'll keep it away from Nelly, just in case there's something it has and I can't see.... and I'll post some pictures too, if you can help me in any way, I'd be very grateful!
P.S. I think I'm going to have a love-hate relationship with this site
