I'm a not so newbie at orchids having dabbled for the last 10 yrs but just found this site and it looks really interesting and has piqued my interest in orchids again, look forward to learning more!
Welcome to the board Lorna! We are a lovely bunch of enablers....I mean orchid lovers. I am sure you will enjoy being on here. I have learned a great deal here myself. Enough to know that that there is a lot more to learn. That is a good start. Carol
Hi Lorna! Welcome to orchid board. This place is great for people of all levels of expertise. I'm pretty new to orchids. I think I bought my first one about 3 years ago... and I now have roughly 70. It's great to be able to pick the brains of more experienced folks like yourself.
Thanks for the welcome! I wouldn't call myself experienced - lol, but I can sure tell you about my failures! I really like minis but am just a windosill grower so I have a bit of a Darwinian attitude towards them. One chance per species to survive my inconsistent care and often less than optimal environment. I like species and have a very small misc collection of orchids that looked cool at the time. Not much room and not much sun (it is Oregon after all) so I tend to avoid the room hogs and sun lovers.
Hi and welcome to OB Lorna! There's a place for everybody here, from windowsill growers like yourself all the way up to elaborate greenhouse setups. And like Carol said, there's a lot to learn here for everybody. Also, it's true that we're real enablers here, so be careful!
Hi Lorna. Welcome to the board. Where in Oregon are you? I moved here (MIchigan) from K. Falls. Before that it was Grants Pass. Hope to see more of you around the board
hehe, have to find my way around the site, added a semi recent list of orchids I have (they can come and go so quickly-I'm not always good at keeping my list up)
Sadly, not too many windowsills. Luckily most of them are small and the most of the big ones are not BS yet...not sure what I'll do when they get there...