Just came aboard here as a newbie to growing orchids and adore them but will need a lot of help.
Just wanted to say
I got a beautiful Cybidium Orchid for valentines day from my husband ,but took it back at the weekend as had noticed 1 week ago all the blooms were droping off and it was light even though I ad been watering it.
Onfurther infestigation it was in a 4inch pot outgrowing the pot an dplanted in a tall 12" terracotta plastic slim pot.
they were not keen to replace but di devenually .
Shall post a before and
after photo.
I bought clay orchid pelets and the guy in th enursery said for me to put th epellots on a saucer and pot orchid ontop of saucer .
As I am anewbie is this what I should do?
I dont want to loose this one.