Hey everyone!
I actually registered and posted a couple times nearly a year ago after finally taking the plunge! I'm a pretty busy student and tend to get sick of the computer, so I disappear sometimes...
I have been a bad child the past week or so. Visited both the Orchid specialists here in town and not walking away empty handed. I wanted to share my new babies tonight and then get some sleep before I launch in to a couple questions I have.
Just for the sake of introduction: I'm 25, a student in horticulture and a nursery worker, so I have a good grasp of plants. In fact I just did a count the other day of my house plants (first time I've done this believe it or not...) and with the 3 new orchids I'm at 61 or 62...Then there's the outside!
Hope everyone is having a good day! I plan to stick around and get to know you guys!
I've had this one a little while, along with a Phal that I don't have a photo of in bloom. Since you're meeting the family though!