So I bought this orchid, right. A lovely Phalenopsis from a Trader Joes, for my girlfriend. Well, knowing nothing about them and not using my better judgment, I let it sit in my car for an hour and a half in the Sonoran desert sun. What do you know, I burned it. So, in my desparation to save the beautifull plant I started reading about orchid care, investigating the proper cultural methods for keeping it alive, and the best way to save it. The more I read, the more facinating they, orchids, became for me as agroup. The seemingly infinate variety matched only by their uniqueness and beauty sent me furthur and deeper into the realm of a world that I now know has gripped more than a few like me. So here I am. I have now collected two Phalenopsis, a Brassia, two Dendrobium, what I think is a Cattelaya, and just won a bid on e-bay for a Bulbophyllum. Its only been two months and I've run out of window space. Well, at least my vice didn't turn out to be hard drugs. So I'm happy to be here and don't see myself getting on the wagon anytime soon. I look forward to baraging you all with my numerous questions and sharing my novice incompetence in the hopes that I may, some day, hold esteem among my plants as they readily bloom and thrive.